Monday, December 10, 2012

Rosemary Wreath

Several weekends ago we went to Pacific City to the beach house to get out Christmas tree. I was feeling overly ambitious that weekend with many holiday crafts dancing in my head. When we were outside of the house walking the perimeter, we came upon the Rosemary bush I had planted several years ago. The bush was huge and was in need of trimming. My mom and I decided that we should make wreaths from the Rosemary and adorn them in our kitchens to cook from for the month.

1st we purchased plastic Dixie bowls and cut out the center. Then I took some natural jute and started tying on sprigs of Rosemary, over and over again.   

Each wreath took me around twenty minutes or so to make. Needless to say my hands smelled amazing!
Earlier that day we had purchased some cute ornaments from a local mercantile in town for two bucks each.
After I went around maybe all of two times and added the ornament this is what I ended up with...
I pretty much thought they were great. I looked up what a rosemary wreath would retail at online and it was like 65 bucks. I made it for pretty much nothing. Granted the one online was trimmed and perfect looking.
 This is not a great picture but here you can see that we went on a wreath frenzy because we had so much leftover rosemary and I didn't want to waste any.
 I also had to add this photo. I mean hello cuteness. They were picking out the tree!
 Making these is a messy undertaking so be sure to work in an area that can be swept up easily.
 One last glimpse of the final product! So if you are looking for a way to use that Rosemary in your yard here you go. PS if you give them as a gift they dry up pretty quick so give them fast while they look nice and full. We sent one to my sister in Vail and between probably freezing and drying it looked a little sad by the time she got it. But she still loved it. Love you Sis.

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