
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Out...

Well it was a great ten dollar investment but I am finally out of chalkboard paint. It's a good thing too becasue I found myself painting everything I could get my hands on. I even painted some barstools (not pictured). I was really close to refinishing the top of my table with the stuff too. Thank god I didn't because I can't stand the texture of it on my hands. Here is my awesome herb garden. I scored these pots at 4 for a dollar and the seeds were next to nothing. I can't tell you how much excitement these little pots have brought to our house. Everytime a new one sprouts we're all giddy and jump around at the thought of new life and the herbs to come.
These bad boys are a little find I picked up at my school. They were laying around in pile of forgotten goods. I decided to paint them and hang them and oh how cute they look. The bills in them however are not so cute.
This is an over sized clipboard I had from college. I used it to tote around my art from my art classes. A little chalkboard paint and viola! Inspirational or not you can write whatever you want.
Here's a more to scale photo, however the message on the board above was on Valentines Day and the the one below is from after all the Valentine's Day candy had to be eaten.
Note: When you paint with chalkboard paint you need to rub crushed chalk on the surface of the dried paint. It will make writing on the board for years to come so much easier.

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